
The Central Asian cuisine of the republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan was formed in the process of close interaction of these peoples over a long historical period. This was reflected in the frequent coincidence of the names of many dishes, the principles of product selection and cooking technology. However, different natural conditions in the territories occupied by these states - the valleys of large rivers, steppes, mountains, and national traditions also led to different specifics and taste qualities of many dishes. We offer a car rent service, it can make your tour really convenient.

People in Kyrgyzstan pay specific attention to bread. They do not cut it, in opposite tear. Also the bread should ley in up side. In Kyrgyzstan is popular to eat lepeshka. You can try it during tours. Boorsok is a national Kyrgyz tiny bread made with the usage of oil.

Beshbarmak is a traditional meat and flour dish of the Turkic-speaking peoples. Beshbarmak is prepared, as a rule, on the occasion of family holidays or the reception of dear guests.

Chuchuk is a highly nutritious meat dish. It is usually prepared on big holidays, holidays, during the autumn slaughtering of livestock. For chuchuk, you need kazy, kabirga (ribs), guts, salt, paprika and black pepper, onion, garlic, cumin, bay leaf.

Kuurdak - an old traditional dish of Kyrgyz cuisine, is fried with onions pieces of meat. In different variations, this dish is also found in Kazakh, Turkmen and Uzbek cuisines.

Shurpa is a dressing soup or meat broth among the Turkic peoples, which became widespread in the Muslim East and among the peoples neighboring the Turks.

Plov is prepared for all kinds of important events - weddings, religious holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, for especially important and respected guests. In Uzbek cuisine, there are more than sixty types of pilaf. There are pilafs that are prepared only from rice, there are where rice is cooked together with legumes (for example, chickpeas or mash), there are pilafs with chicken or fish, or with fruit.

Homemade samsa is made from puff pastry. The dough is prepared very quickly and turns out to be unrealistically delicious, but the filling of minced meat is beyond praise! During car rent tours you can take with yourself samsa. 

Manty is an Asian dish made of dough and meat, resembling dumplings. If desired, you can add potatoes or pumpkin.

Lagman is made from meat (mainly lamb), vegetables and pulled long noodles. The noodles are pulled in a special way: unwinding a piece of dough like a child's skipping rope, pull it into a skein of noodles. With a large amount of broth, lagman is similar to soup, with other cooking methods - like noodles with gravy and a complex filling.

Ashlyam - Fu
There is an opinion among the people that it is Karakol ashlyamfu that is the most delicious. It consist of noodles, eggs and vegetables.

Shish Kebab-a dish made of pieces of meat strung on a skewer and fried on a fire.

This is a very satisfying and quite healthy second course, which is prepared from lamb and a whole set of vegetables, which includes tomatoes, white cabbage, sweet peppers, carrots, potatoes. And, of course, do not do without spices, the main of which is cumin.

According to legend, this dish appeared as follows: lagman was prepared, eaten, and the meat-vegetable gravy remained. The next day, to finish it, just boiled rice. It turned out to be so delicious that over time there was an independent dish - Ganfan

In Kievan Rus, borscht was prepared from the edible leaves of borscht-hence the name. Later, they began to cook with beets, and since the XIX century, they added potatoes.
Today, every family has its own recipe for borscht. Beans, mushrooms, smoked meats, and even celery are added to the pan.

Cutlet - in the original meaning: a piece of meat cooked on a bone. Russian Russian language and Russian cuisine: a product made of minced meat, its analogue or substitute.

Kurut is a salty sheep's cheese. The name in translation from the Turkic means "dry", "dried up".

Mampar is a Central Asian dish that originally appeared among the Uyghurs. It is somewhat similar to Lagman, but there are still more differences than similarities. It requires both time and food and, most importantly, labor, so it will definitely not work quickly, in a hurry, to prepare mampar. But the result justifies all the work that you will spend on the preparation of this wonderful dish. Mampar is a cross between a soup and a second course, which resembles Hungarian goulash or Spanish albondigas.

Pelmeni are dumplings of Russian cuisine that consist of a filling wrapped in thin, unleavened dough.